Program level parameters in software testing
In some simple software programs, there is one parameter layer.
In more complex software programs, there is more than one layer of parameters.
Each parameter layer refers to program-level settings.
In the complex program, there are settings at the highest level, medium level, and the lowest level.
The behavior we test, in some cases, directly depends on the program’s parameters found at different parameter levels within the program’s hierarchy.
The following examples show different parameter levels within a software program.
Example 1 — Intellij Ide
Highest Parameter Level — File / Settings
Medium Level — File / Project Structure
Lowest Level — Edit / Run Configuration
Example 2 — Jira Software
Highest Parameter Level — Administration
Medium Level — Project Settings
Lowest Level — Board Settings
When we create a test, we need to consider the program’s parameters at different levels that directly impact what we need to test.
Depending on the number of parameters that affect a particular test, we need to set up our test for each parameter value.