Software functionality examples from a software testing perspective
Software functionality refers to a task that a computer program can do.
For software testing, I would like to give several examples of software functionality in different software programs below.
I am not listing all possible available features in each program.
On the other hand, I would like to introduce you to different types of functionalities.
The main goal is to recognize what functionality is from the given examples.
I tried to find many examples of showing different types of functionalities.
It is easy to download or get free access to the software programs below if you’re interested in exploring more.
If you’re using MAC or Linux, you will find the corresponding software program on your machine.
You do not need to read the entire list below. You could glance at some parts briefly.
Text Editor — Windows Notepad:
1. Save
2. Copy
3. Paste
4. Open a new window
5. Open the text file
6. Print information
7. Find
8. Replace
9. Wrap text
10. Change text font settings
11. Show / Hide Status Bar
12. Increase/Decrease view size(zoom)
13. Show Online Help
Word Processor — Microsoft Word:
1. Text Format Underline Single line
2. Text Format Superscript
3. Text Format All Caps
4. Text Format Center
5. Create a bulleted list
6. Sort
7. Draw table
8. Insert Page
9. Insert Picture/Shape/Chart/Screenshot
10. Insert Bookmark
11. Insert Table of Contents
12. Add Footer/Header
13. Start Mail Merge
14. Track Changes
15. Arrange Windows
16. Show / Hide Status Bar, Ribbon
17. Create a macro
18. Show Online Help
19. Save Changes
20. Open File
21. Close File
22. Open Text File
23. Print
24. Print to PDF
Spreadsheet — Microsoft Excel:
1. Insert/Delete row/column
2. Define Name
3. Format Cells / Number/number of decimals
4. Format Cells / Add Custom Format
5. Format Cells / Merge Cells
6. Format Cells / Cell Border
7. Protect Sheet
8. Go to
9. Go to Special
10. Find text using the format from different cell
11. Insert Pivot Table
12. Insert Bing Map
13. Insert People Graph
14. View Gridlines
15. View Headings
16. Create a formula
17. Insert a pre-defined function
18. Evaluate Formula
19. Sort(selected Range)
20. Filter(selected Range)
21. Add Data Validation
22. Freeze Top Row/Column
23. Freeze Panes
24. Arrange Windows
25. Group Data
19. Insert Table/Picture/Shape/
20. Add Cell comment
21. Create Chart
22. Get data from outside text file, database, web
23. Show / Hide Status Bar, Formula Bar, Ribbon
24. Add/Delete new tab
25. Create a macro
26. Show Online Help
28. Save Changes
29. Open File
30. Close File
31. Open Text File
32. Open XML File
33. Open Access Database File
Drawing tool — Microsoft Paint:
1. Draw an image
2. Rotate image
3. Save the image
4. Open the image file
5. Show Online Help
Screen Capture — Microsoft Snipping tool:
1. Perform a screen capture
2. Delay before the screen capture
Web Browser — Microsoft Edge:
1. Open website
2. Find text on a page
3. Add new window
4. Add new tab
5. Print page
6. Add page to Bookmarks
7. Add page to speed dial
8. Open Developer Tools
CLI (Command Line Interface) — Windows Command Prompt:
1. Create a new directory
2. Create a new file
3. Display directory files
4. Display IP network settings
5. Execute Microsoft Script
6. Save output to a text file
Network — Remote Connection:
1. Windows Remote Desktop Connection
2. Connect to a Company Network using VPN Connection
Operating System Tool — Windows Task Manager
1. Group By Type
2. End task
3. Disable on Startup
4. Service Start, Stop, Restart
Cloud Application — Google:
1. Maps Find address
2. Maps Show Directions
3. Start Meeting
4. Join Meeting
Cloud Application — Gmail:
1. Compose a new email
2. Upload and attach the file to the email message
3. Mark the email as read
4. Delete the email
5. Reply to the email
6. Forward the email
7. Move the email into a different folder
CLI tool — Git Version Control:
1. init
2. add
3. commit
4. push
5. status
6. clone
7. branch
8. switch
Programming Code Editor — Visual Studio Code:
1. File / Open Folder
2. Toggle Line Comment
3. View Command Palette
4. Search Extensions
Local PC Database — MySQL:
1. Create a new database
2. Add a table
3. Add a new record to the table
4. Extract all records from the table
5. Extract records based on a condition from single tables
6. Extract records based on the condition from multiple tables
7. Create View
8. Create Stored Procedure
9. Create a user-defined function
Cloud Application — LinkedIn:
1. Add Profile Section
2. Buttons: Subscribe, Join, Connect, View, Follow
3. Add Post
Cloud Application — Jira:
a) Administration:
1. Invite Users
2. Create Group
3. Add user to group
4. Revoke site access
5. Remove user
b) Jira Software
1. Create Project
2. Create Issue
3. Assign Issue
4. Personal Jira Settings
5. Search
6. Advanced Search
7. Open In Microsoft Excel
8. Share
9. Export
10. Export XML
11. Export Word
12. Configure Issue Layout
13. Add Existing Workflow
14. Filters
15. Create Dashboard
16. Start a team
17. Find new apps
18. Switch to JQL
19. Priority
Cloud Application — Glassdoor:
1. Create a Job Alert
2. Download PDF
3. Discover Companies
4. Rating
Mobile App:
1. Add Contact
2. Call a Mobile Number
3. Send Text Message to the Mobile Number
4. Capture Photo on the mobile phone
5. Capture Video on the mobile phone
Send Get, Post, Put, Delete Request
CLI Package Manager(Install, Remove, Update):
1. Windows Software — Chocolatey
2. Mac/Linux — Homebrew
3. .Net Framework — NuGet
3. NPM — Javascript
4. Python — Pip
5. Ruby — RubyGems