User interface element names
Each screen in a software program consists of at least one or more screen elements.
The screen element is a programming control that a software developer adds to the user interface screen.
The term “screen element” is about what the user sees on a screen.
The term “user control” refers to the name for the screen element according to the programming convention name.
The developer is programming user screen controls.
When a software user interacts with the program, the user is interacting with one or more screen elements.
You, as the user, need to understand how each screen element behaves and knows how to call the screen element to describe the element’s behavior.
I know that most people using computers do not take into consideration that user interface (screen) control elements have the proper naming convention.
You could say I only want to do software testing. Why do I care about the naming convention?
The naming convention is important consideration when trying to describe software behavior.
On the Internet, you will find some common UI element names used in software development.
Software programming has evolved a lot. New screen elements appeared today compared to 20 years ago.
Calling elements by its proper name will accurately communicate to the software developer the code to review and the software development team to describe the test on a particular screen.
I want to give you an idea of different types of controls that a software developer could add to the user interface screen.
I searched the Internet, found several new and old-fashioned element names, and came up with my terms, from my prior experience, listed in the alphabetical order:
Accordion, Boolean Input, Breadcrumb, Button, Card, Calculation Field, Calculation Area, Calculation Result, Chart, Checkbox, Date Input Box, Dialog, Dropdown List, Feed, First Element, First Page, Frame, Grid View, Icon, Input Field, Information Panel, Image, Image Carousel, Last Element, Last Page, Link, List Box, Loader, Menu, Message Box, Modal Window, Next Element, Next Page, Non-Modal Window, Notification, Numeric Input, Pane, Popover, Prior Element, Prior Page, Progress Bar, Progress Spinner, Radio Button, Screen label, Scrollbar Horizontal, Scrollbar Vertical, Search Box, Sidebar, Slider, Spinner, Status Bar, Stepper, Summary, Tab, Table, Tags, Text, Text Input Box Large, Text Input Box Small, Toggle Switch, Toolbar, Tooltip
The most common screen elements are Button, Checkbox, Dropdown List, Menu, Window, Input Field, Radio Button, and Text.
I will not describe each element and what it does. Some of these names are obvious. If it is necessary for you, you will look it up yourself on the Internet.
You could come up with your names that are specific to the software.
People come from different backgrounds and companies, and, in a software project, people use their own words.
The software development team’s goal is to use and communicate the right words used in the software development project.
You will need to use the proper words within your team.